Friday, October 31, 2008

witches, pumpkins and black cats. oh and an update..

happy halloween!!

well as you would expect life has been dragging on like it does and will until it doesnt anymore (boy that makes sense) nothing special or out of th ordinary that i can think of off th top of my head, good time to choose to write a post hey xD (i think its got more to do with th fact that i have nothing to do at this point in time, thus giving me th chance to clog up th internet some more with my randoms)

went fishing on saturday. caught nothing. though did get out of the house (and out of town) for the day which was a bonus. took th dog, which was not a bonus. funny how things seem like such a good idea at the time and then when th event is actually taking place there are a million quite obvious reasons why th idea would never have worked.
you see, she thought it would be a great idea to swim right where we were fishing. regardless of th fact there was a massive expanse of bank that we had to ourselves. this was the first in a long list of obvious reasons why th dog does not make a good fishing companion. that and th fact that th flies wouldnt leave her alone (cant put aeroguard on a dog) so she was a bit stressed and kept voicing so. for once, th kid was more controllable than th dog. hallejula.
sunday we took th dog and th kid to st kilda so we could all have some fun. you would think that we would have learnt that th dog is no fun th day before hey. there were way many people there n th dog was way excited. bad combination. so basically, i got stuck holding th dog most th time while scott took kael off to play. kyra n phil met us there with their little monster and after a while everyone else went home to make dinner presumably so we stayed on for some private park time lol

th telstar (wanna be 4wd) died last week. well actually to be truthful, it didnt die, though it did get badly injured and was not worth spending any more money on. th rego was due to run out in a few days so we drove her into th ground, getting every last cent of rego out of her before driving it to th wreckers pissing out smoke from everywhere, on its last day of rego. they gave us $150 for it and we then went and put that money into th rego money for th vn. problem solvered.

washed her ready for her return to th road and all lol
got a new phone that has a much better camera than my old one so hopefully my shots will be better quality (not that anybody but me cares) although now i do have to downscale the images before uploading them as im sure nobody wants to make a wall size poster, which creates a whole lot more work for me. so be grateful :P

theres a fete at th school today. starts in an hour, so that will be fun. (for those of you who cant hear my tone in my writing, that was sarcastic) theres a fancy dress competition and mikael wants to dress as a pirate, so to humour him i said i'd take him. never know, he might even win. he makes a pretty convincing pirate.

th barina in th rearview

scott put a deposit on a red vl yesterday. its not a show car but it definately looks neat and straight and seems to run well. and for the price he is aquiring th vehicle for, even if he was complaining, which he wasnt, even i would have to tell him to can it. and i can find (almost) anything to complain about anything lmao it is pretty wierd to think that once th mazdas gone, we will only have th two commodores and th two hz's. i said wierd not bad. 4 cars is better than 6. we are buying an air compressor and sorting out th shed in th next two weeks too so that will make it possible for us to get th v8 on th road and able to drive to th shop to get a check up, which i have been wanting to do for so long but until its technically ours we cant.. so im hanging out for that. id love to see miss "blonde hair, suit, driving her boyfriends black ve commodore" playing games with me once im behind th grille of that baby. um. hope you have insurance lady.
and once th v8s in th shop and out of our shed, its time to start on th panelvan. mate that will be so much work.
obsessed mate. were both obsessed.

this is what i got scotti for fathers day last month.

oh. and i found this before.
9 telltale signs youre probably an asshole
made me laugh.

and this.
ooh. interesting. sodium. id forgotten about that shit lol

ciao! have a good day!

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