Tuesday, November 25, 2008

letters to k8

something in th water? hmm. yes maybe..

have also been busy busy busy lol
as you can see..
swapped kaels room n th spare room. looks great. his new room gets alot more light. th good news is, we ARE moving. cant wait. my feet are even tingling i am that excited. i have felt for a while that i badly wanted to move but i didnt think it was possible but after sorting out th house like we have i am feeling way way more positive about this for sure.
So we now have to get th shed organised. which involves 2 million tools - hurray :/
and the cars organised. down to 4 would be amazing. then *fingers crossed* we are ready. i give it 4 weeks. please god please god please god i never ask for anything...
i havent been on msn either, if you catch me there its an imposter because i havent logged in for so long i almost feel rude. i think msn has actually gone mouldy on my hd even.
argh!! a friend just messaged me to tell me he got a new computer way freaking better than mine! cheers m8. appreciate it.
it was cliffs birthday on sunday so we went out to mums for lunch, i have a stepdad now! wow! it was a nice day, had a few drinks. i took some photos of mums flowers as her garden is looking pretty amazing at th moment. not when summer comes of course. not looking forward to that.
anyway signing off, hope you have been well, take care n write back! this seems to be th best way to communicate lol
do your blog you lazy bum..

1 comment:

PhoenixHearse said...

Hello there! Love the pictures of the flowers...and the one of the dog with its head out the window :)