Tuesday, April 15, 2008

a furry visitor

i used to have a cat.
his name was lewis. he was a beautiful cat and i dont say that lightly. he had no bad habits, didnt poo inside, didnt tear up the furniture, didnt seem to shed much fur, he had a lovely temperment, put up with almost anything the boy dished out to him, and he loved a cuddle, loved to sit on your lap or next to you and just sleep. he was a loving little friend.
lewis didnt come home one day. im not sure what happened to him. i think i'd rather not know, i just imagine he found a nice old lady who took him in or something. and since then i decided i didnt want another cat. again.

I havent really seen any cats in the neighborhood since lewis went away, the lady across the road has a couple but they keep in their yard (like they should) so you dont really see them.
but then today while doing housework i noticed something small run away from the vehrandah when i walked past the front door, so i looked out the front curtains and about to lay down under my window was a cat! just making itself at home, you know. so i thought bugger it, and got lewises left over cat food out of the cupboard under the sink.
(ive been keeping it in case he comes back -its only been like, 6 months)
I put some in a bowl and rattled the biscuits, it pricked its ears up, so i called it. "puss puss..."
it was a bit skittish at first but when i tore open the 'whiskas singles' packet, the smell of fish must have been too much for it and it loudly vocalised that yes, it did want the food, and could i kindly open the door as it couldnt figure out how to.
so i obliged and slipped the bowl out onto the vehrandah.
it dug straight in and i went back inside and got a smoke and the rubbish bag to take to the outside bin, along with the smelly singles wrapper. after id done that i sat on the vehrandah with the cat. it rubbed itself against me purring while i smoked and stroked it.
after i'd finished my smoke, me and the boy went for a walk to the shop to get a drink each, iced coffee for me, chocolate milk for him, and when we got back the cat was gone.
i must admit, it was nice to pat a cat again,
but i still dont want one
*by the way -school holidays for next two weeks, hurray*

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