Wednesday, April 16, 2008


That cat came back this morning.
I woke up to the dogs going apeshit in the loungeroom, i let them sleep inside last night - its so cold.. so i looked out the window expecting to see the postie or something, my landlord even (which wouldnt have been good. his words "i dont care if you have 5 dogs, just not inside.."
he says they make the house smell. pfft. i clean. nobody has ever complained to me that my house smelt)
but nothing or noone was there. or so it seemed.
about 20 minutes later, after putting the dogs out with their breakfast and giving the boy his breakfast, there was a scratching at the door.
well as soon as it saw me that was it, it was quite vocal demanding i repeat yeaterdays performance.sorry buddy. i dont buy catfood. it was honest to god leftovers..
so i ignore it hoping it will go away.
about an hour later i realise i havent heard it meowing at the door for a while and think,
'brilliant. problem solvered'
until i open my bedroom door to get some washing together and the bastards gotten in my bedroom window and is sleeping on my bed.
add to which i dont think its a bastard, i think its a bitch, as ive just noticed while picking it up to put it back outside it feels really really fat....
in a non fat cat kind of way....

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