Saturday, April 12, 2008

Timmy!! Git in thar n do yer homework!!

i am not too impressed with my son. and no he is not called timmy.
now i am sure there are many parents out there who will agree with me, (and there are sure to be a heap who dont as well, there always is)
i know my son is smarter than he is acting right now.
i have watched my boy grow, and learn, and open his eyes with wonder and naivety at all the amazing things around him,
since he was so very young. he was one of those toddlers who had to explore, hated being in his pram, always had to touch and feel and ultimately taste, whatever was within reach and if it wasnt, he would put himself within reach.
At the age of 3 he was learning the planets in the solar system and could name them when asked, on his first day of kindy, he already knew how to draw cars and write his name, mum, scott, dog. he could count to 100 on his first day of school and was starting to realise how to read by stringing letter sounds together to make words, (although not always sucessfully) all this
because i took an active role in his learning
and yes, hes only 5, but to see how he is behaving now at school makes me a little sad. maybe i have failed on the
discipline side of things.
Every Day at bell time this week his teacher has looked around me, waiting paitently at the door of the classroom, to see what other parents are waiting (my stomach sinks into my ankles when she does that) and one by one dismisses the other kids as their parents arrive, leaving me til last, with said sunken stomach, to 'have a talk'.
he just isnt paying attention in class, isnt completing the (meagre amount of) work he is set and is more focused on whatever he has set in his head he wants to do, rather than doing what he is asked like everybody else. his attention span is that of a..
well.. he quite reminds me of manny from 'over the hedge'. which although it is amusing at times, is quite exhausting 24 hours 7 days.
buuuut ill cope. im thinking of taking all products with flavour enhancer 621 out of his diet again. it worked the last time. but i mean, do you know how hard it is to find products that
dont contain flavour enhancer 621?
check that packet of twisties youre eating...


.•:*Kasha'z*:•. said...

too right there and here's something you might want to post in yer blog...

After reading that it gave me quite a shock that todays population are treated like lab rats, without our knowledge too, but this article here makes you want to make everything from scratch....

I even looked at my kit kat I was about to eat in horror....nestle are one of the ones doing it they say, and kitkat is made by which comapny? got it....nestle!

Were gonna be growin home grown veges amongst other things soon but my greatest worry is where will I get my chocolate fix!!!..

oh and one diet you might want to try on your little angel would be a failsafe diet, takes all the shit out of wondering what he can eat that isn't strictly vegan or organic....we've got our 2 lovely children (I use the term 'lovely' loosely they have been monsters lately) on this diet at the moment and have yet to see an improvement, might take 4 weeks to see if it works....and I'm sure it gets worse before it gets better.

secret agent kaos said...

i dont need to post it in my blog, you just did!
good luck with that diet, let me know how it goes..
i took flavour enhancer 621 out of monkeymans diet a while ago and there was a large improvement in his behaviour. his attention span improved, he wasnt as hyperactive, he listened to what was being said to him. aaah, ive gotten slack. its so hard (and expensive) to shop by barcodes and ingredients. not to mention time consuming! but i guess you do what you gotta do..
glad youve got the water for a vegie garden :)