Monday, April 14, 2008

brrr hand me a rug..

well summer is well and truly gone. it is pretty cold at the moment. i think our turtle is going to go into hibernation soon, as he is slowing down now. i went out to the pond to feed him today and he was very sluggish and uncoordinated. the water was pretty cold too. compared to a month ago when it was warm, he was so agressive and fast at feeding times, and ate so much!
i wish i could go into hibernation.

my birthdays coming up, and again im not sure if i should bother organising anything because in the past nobodys bothered to come to whatever i organised,
so i think this year we'll go camping, rain and all,
and im not going to expect anyone else to come, im not going to expect to have a good time, im just going to make it my main mission to get slaughtered. if anybody else ends up coming along to get drunk with me then that will just be an added bonus!

and on a sad note, i just heard on the news about some poor woman whose doctor gave her an "antibiotic" after a minor surgery at an australian hospital and she had 2 heart attacks because of it.
apparantly australias medical system is full of bungled mistakes and potential malpractice suits,
"going to shit" in other words.
now this is why i fear hospitals and doctors.
i dont pay enough for my medical care to know that my doctor will give a shit about where i end up in 12 months, 20 years,
im just a number, an operation, a cheque.
and theres millions of us.thus i avoid the doctor by all means necessary.

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