Sunday, November 29, 2009

turtle castle

my sister n her boyfriend wanted to do some fishing today so i thought id go along just for th hell of it. i was going to do some fishing but it was really windy n horrible with an on-shore wind, so i was pretty stoked when kyra started building a sand castle.
so i joined in.
and we made it ALOT bigger.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

heels, tomatoes and golf.

those of you who know me be warned you are about to die of shock lmao
i am in love.
with a pair of shoes.
i want them. and i am going back to get them.

i went to my cousins wedding on th weekend (which was why i was shoe shopping. i fell in love with those shoes but i went with flats as th final choice because i didnt think i could walk in th heels all day)
my cousin laura did my hair, took all of 2 minutes lol
mikael looked gorgeous as usual.
the wedding was amazing, beautiful reception, beautiful venue. and it held off raining until after th ceremony so that was good.
here are some of th girls with th bride doing th macarena.
im not there.
no way in hell i was joining in for th macarena.

th garden is growing well, my tomatoes are really high now, got lots of fruit on them but they are all green still. i love cherry tomatoes and i cant wait, it looks like its going to be a good harvest :)

my sisters boyfriend likes hitting golf balls around his local oval.
hence my new hobby.
i suck at golf but i try! th night of th wedding we were over there in th rain at 3am drunk as truckers, still in our dresses n wedding clothes, and i seemed to be hitting better than i usually do... wierd...

this morning at th outlet it was quite strange weather. it wasnt exactly cold but it wasnt warm, it was overcast but strangely calm. like before a storm builds. then on my way home i saw this
but no sign of any storm yet!
thats my ramble for th day, ciao! whoevers reading this...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

all we need is. radio gaga. radio gaga. radio ga - ga

im sitting here listening to fresh fm (which is going off tap at th moment) and having a coffee, pretty bored, so i thought id do a post :)

last thursday i picked up some cheap carrots with th idea of giving them to th horses. so when mick got home from work we went for a wander through th back fence.
the carrots were very much appreciated.
by th horses, and by mick lol

we went to the park last friday after mick got home from work. Took his nitro petrol car to run it in the skate bowls. That thing goes fucking fast excuse my french.
Then we joined mikael on th play equiptment lol
*i think i spelt equiptment wrong* ... equipment? equiptment? ... are you smarter than a fifth grader?? lol
Q. which one looks like they are having more fun? lol
yesterday it was really hot, i dropped mikael at school in th morning n drove over to the beach, like 2 roads away from his school :) and saw this
(Not the council workers lmao)
so i decided i would go home and get th dog and go for a swim.
by th time i actually got there (procrastinating as usual) we got about half an hour in th water before this..
so we got out, dried off a bit n went home -athena is so freaking camera shy! she wont look at the camera very often, even if i call her. i dont think she realises that th flash doesnt work in broad daylight roflmao
the garden is looking great at the moment! i cant say its going to look this good in about a months time after the heat starts to set in, and i dont want to think what it will be like after 3 months time! but at the moment the sunflowers are a good 6 feet tall and starting to open up, my hollyhocks havent opened up yet but they also are at least 6 foot tall with flowers buds all up the main stem, the buds have been there for ages, ive been waiting for them to open but they just keep getting bigger?! i suppose it will be really spectacular when it finally opens lol
theres fruit on th apricot tree and my strawberry plant is trying hard (although th fruit keeps rotting on th ground - time for pea straw i think) and the tomatoes down th side are going absolutely boonta! ill have to get some pictures of those :)