Thursday, May 28, 2009

i used to think bikes are just for people too young to drive cars, but now im not so sure..

god how freaking tired do i look! This is th result of riding a bmx for an hour n a half a day, 5 days in a row!
Thankfully my ass is past th point of hurting, maybe i have callouses there now or something, no idea but im glad.
My legs hurt for th 1st ten minutes when i first start but i push myself n that goes away and i dont seem to get breathless so easy. Bonus.
Maybe theres hope yet lol

This is what i saw over th river as i came around a bend on my way home yesterday, my first thought 'shit, im riding INTO that' second thought 'that looks awesome, stop n take a photo' so i did.
And here it is..
kaaaate, can u post some nice stormy winter pics of th jetty n bay on ur blog? Please?
And can we come up with a word other than blog to call these things? It sounds rather like bog and that makes me uncomfortable lmao

Monday, May 25, 2009

swine flu paranoia

Do i send th boy to school or dont i?
I am already avoiding shopping centers, doctors surgeries, pubs, airports and swimming pools.
I even wind my windows up at traffic lights lol
I start to hyperventilate whenever theres a large congregation of people around me, and if th lady at th checkout coughs while im being served, i dont breathe until ive left th damn shop.
What is going to happen i really dont know.
All i can say is thank fu*k for our tamiflu stocks!
Highest quota per capita in th world apparantly..

Sunday, May 24, 2009

saturday nite fever

Adelaide at night.

Under th bridge..

And to follow, th yet to be perfected gps bike mount. Awesome.
My idea people. Its already been patented so bugger off.

Th boy asked to go to grandmas for th nite, so i rang and asked her and it was ok so we dropped him off about 3.
Had a nice relaxing day cruising th shop then we decided to go for a bikeride. We rode all th way to th city then rode home. It was pretty damn cool.
My ass is again pretty damn sore, but it was still pretty damn cool :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I decided today to go for a bikeride.
To hindmarsh.
It was pretty cool actually, just took th bike path next to th river th whole way. I timed it perfect, i got to near micks work just on his lunch break so i rang him n asked if he wanted 2 meet me at th river for lunch.

It was a beautiful day so i took some photos.

I stopped on th way back on a cool little wooden bridge in th shade to (yes ill be honest) have a smoke, these guys must have thought i had food or something cos they were pretty keen.
I must have seemed pretty mean cos i just laughed at them and took a photo

And heres th beast that got me there. I like. Comfortable seat, hard work but thats th idea right!? I bought it for my birthday as a 'now you have no excuse considering theres an awesome bike path right near th house, get off your ass and excercise' tool.

Well i have to go now and get th boy from school, hes been home th last 3 days with an ear infection, poor little bugger. (and poor me!) Th doctor said he was fine to go back today so hopefully hes had a good day!

*edited at 6:55*
Comfortable seat?!? Ask me now if i think its a comfortable seat! My ass feels like its been hit with a fn cricket bat a few dozen times.
Lets just say i am in a considerable amount of discomfort everytime i sit down...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

purple trees named pinto/tinto

This is one of th horses behind our house.

I nicknamed him pinto/tinto.
Im not sure why. Deep back in my memory theres a vague notion that there was a pinto/tinto in an old cowboy n indian movie that looked just like him.
He is very obnoxious. Sometimes i wonder why i bother walking after him trying to coax him with a handful of grass saying
'do you want it? do you want it?'
When it is perfectly obvious he doesnt.

I love this tree. Isnt it beautiful. I think its a white ghost gum.

Mikael nearly got thrown out of school th other day.
Really would rather not going into that right now.. Im not sure why i even brought it up.
My gardens starting to look ok, its getting greener with all th rain we have had. Th river out th back is full again even. Winter really seems to be setting in early this year. Its getting so damn cold at nite!

I have asked dave to take mikael to grandmas (daves mums) for th weekend (oh wow it just started raining outside) as his attitude is driving me nuts n i just want a weekend to relax n not have to battle or debate with a 6year old. That would be heaven. It would be better if it was school holidays, then i could pack him off to grannys (my mum) for th whole two weeks. I should be so lucky.
Hell, maybe i should see if ethiopa takes 6year old exchange students so he can see how some people live.
That will make him appreciate his 'aw mum, not chicken a-gain!'
Or maybe th
me - 'why didnt you eat that?'
him - 'cos i didnt want it. Mum. Im still hungry.'
will stop.
Maybe hell learn to eat what hes given.
And pigs will fly.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A picture says a thousand words. Thank god for that cos im not going to...

i went out th back for a coffee th other morning n had to take a photo.

Athena at th beach.
Idiot lol

Sitting pretty...

Mikael and i found th most kick ass tree.
Spot mikael!

He gets scared when i push him high on th swing, so i push him higher!
He loves it...

After taking kael to school last friday i detoured past th beach to have a look.
Nice birthday weather lol

And this is what my favourite person in th whole world got me for my birthday!

Delivered to my door!

Arent i lucky, they are absolutely gorgeous.
I want to try n get one of th stalks to root (that sounds so dirty) so i cut a 15 cm or so piece off th bottom of one of them, hung th rose in th closet to dry it out, and put th stem into a glass of water.
Wish me luck with that, itd be awesome to have a rosebush of them to keep forever.

And since im getting old i thought id dye my hair.
What do you think??

Signing off for now. Ciao!