Thursday, May 14, 2009

purple trees named pinto/tinto

This is one of th horses behind our house.

I nicknamed him pinto/tinto.
Im not sure why. Deep back in my memory theres a vague notion that there was a pinto/tinto in an old cowboy n indian movie that looked just like him.
He is very obnoxious. Sometimes i wonder why i bother walking after him trying to coax him with a handful of grass saying
'do you want it? do you want it?'
When it is perfectly obvious he doesnt.

I love this tree. Isnt it beautiful. I think its a white ghost gum.

Mikael nearly got thrown out of school th other day.
Really would rather not going into that right now.. Im not sure why i even brought it up.
My gardens starting to look ok, its getting greener with all th rain we have had. Th river out th back is full again even. Winter really seems to be setting in early this year. Its getting so damn cold at nite!

I have asked dave to take mikael to grandmas (daves mums) for th weekend (oh wow it just started raining outside) as his attitude is driving me nuts n i just want a weekend to relax n not have to battle or debate with a 6year old. That would be heaven. It would be better if it was school holidays, then i could pack him off to grannys (my mum) for th whole two weeks. I should be so lucky.
Hell, maybe i should see if ethiopa takes 6year old exchange students so he can see how some people live.
That will make him appreciate his 'aw mum, not chicken a-gain!'
Or maybe th
me - 'why didnt you eat that?'
him - 'cos i didnt want it. Mum. Im still hungry.'
will stop.
Maybe hell learn to eat what hes given.
And pigs will fly.

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