Friday, June 6, 2008


wow it feels wierd doing this...
i havent contributed to any of my blogs for about two weeks now, my internet spazzed out in a major way and then my modem decided to shit itself.
i must say, in the beginning i thought it was going to be a really traumatising experience, but it really wasnt!
the first couple of days were awkward, i would get home in the morning after taking mikael to school and feel so lost! i felt i had nothing to do and i was so bored, but then i forced myself to do things i havent done in a while and it went from there.
I have been walking athena every second day, an hour walk at a time, sometimes closer to two. ive been walking mikael to school instead of driving, takes us 40 minutes to walk there in the morning, then i have to walk home and walk back later to pick him up so i have been quite active, doing around 160 minutes walking a day just with the walk to school, not to mention the dog as well!
i feel much more motivated and awake ive also been doing alot of gardening, potting bulbs and lillies, ive pulled out the long grass from around the pond, my pot plants, the carport and the fencelines out the back and ive also done along the gates and the house out the front, so now i just need to do the fencelines out the front and get scotti to mow back n front and its all done! hurray..
the shed got finished sunday, there is stuff only in the very back of it now, stacked neatly. we put the v8 in the shed and my vn back under the carport (it was sitting on the back lawn for about a week because we had to quickly make space one night for the v8. the guy were buying it from wanted it out his yard so he wasnt tempted to thrash it drive it - while i mention that, we are a 1/4 way paid now..)
i cleaned out the dog kennel big time, puppy dogs were getting rather smelly and it was getting to the point where our nostrils were assualted every time we let them inside, so basically the whole house and yard has had a major clean out and re-arranging festival, which has really has added so much positiveness to the mood of the whole household.

On another note, scotti is really enjoying his job, he likes the people, he likes the work, he likes that its not a million miles across town. the only thing he doesnt like is theres never any overtime available. nothing like putting in overtime to really boost the budget. im so proud of scotti, he works so hard to provide for us.
i have enrolled mikael in ninjutsu classes, im hoping he will make some new friends, learn some new skills, i want him to appreciate training in a sense where he has to apply himself and concentrate, which requires self discipline. not to mention the discipline he will learn from Sosai. maybe this will help to refine his respect, concentration and confidence, and by starting him young, if he enjoys it so much, he might get really good by the time he is a teenager which would surely be good for his confidence. he had ninjutsu last night, i sat in and watched and i could not believe how much he listened and payed attention. he did everything he was asked to do, i was totally amazed.
so weve all been quite busy over the last two weeks, its also been nice weather on and off, probably the only reason we have been able to get so much done around the place.
anyway, signing off..***

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