Monday, May 26, 2008

Get Over It

i just neglected my housework for a couple of hours and watched sevens midday movie "Get Over It" wasnt a complete waste of time. it was a soppy love flick aimed at teen audiences i think (of which i am most definately not) but i found the whole movie pretty damn funny. full of little jokes and cutscenes (some of which, blink and youll miss something)
the part where the main character 'kelly' (kirsten dunst) is holding a crossbow she thinks is a prop aimed at 'burke' (ben foster) whos saying, "kelly, you shouldnt play with that" then theres this cute little stand-off before she pulls the trigger, only to go into complete shock when she shoots him in the arm.
then theyre in the ambulance and she feels terrible, he reassures her with "its ok, its not that bad is it?" and she looks at it and then passes out in the ambulance. might not sound so funny now in writing, but it was at the time when i was watching it lolall in all if youre busy or have stuff to do, maybe dont bother watching the start or it might suck you in (like it did to me) but if you have nothing to do and it happens to be your midday movie, dont change the channel for oprah or whatever cos it was nowhere near as bad as '28 days'....

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